Ferro Chrome

Category Tag


Product Chemical Composition
Cr % Si % C % P % S %
High Carbon Ferro Chrome (FeCr60) 60% min 3.5% max 8.5% max 0.03% max 0.05% max
Low Silicon Ferro Chrome (FeCr65) 65% min 2% max 9% max 0.04% max 0.05% max


Grade Product Mix and Specifications (LUMPS) Size
Cr % Si % C % P % S %
Grade I 60% min/63%min 4.0% max/3.5% max 8.5% max 0.03% / 0.05% max 0.05% max 10-50 mm/or as per customer choice
Grade II 60% min/63% min 3.5% / 3% max 8.5% max 0.03% / 0.04% max 0.04% max 10-50 mm/or as per customer choice
Grade III 63% min/65% min 3.0% / 2.5%/ 2%max 9% max 0.03% / 0.04% max 0.04% max 10-50 mm/or as per customer choice


Grade Product Mix and Specifications (CHIPS & FINES) Size
Cr % Si % C % P % S %
Grade I 60% min. 4.0% /3.5%/3% max 8.5%/9% max 0.04%max 0.05% max 10-50 mm/or as per customer choice
Grade II 55%/57% min 4.5%max 8.5%/9% max 0.5% max 0.05% max 10-50 mm/or as per customer choice
Grade III 55%min 4%max 8.5%/9% max 0.4%max 0.05% max 10-50 mm/or as per customer choice


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